The Different Types Of Bakugan
This is a list of Bakugan that appear in the game. The Bakugans without the bold are currently availible at stores, italic
ones are of unconfirmed release.
- Dragonoid/Drago: A dragon-like Bakugan. Dan's Guardian Bakugan with a power level of 340G then increases
to 380G then 400G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Boosted Dragon.
- '''Delta Dragonoid/Meteor Dragonoid''': The first evolved version of Drago that has a cobra's hood and thorns
all over it. Power Level: 450G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Destrike. His Fusion Ability Card is Destrike
- Ultimate Dragonoid/Ultima Dragonoid: Drago's second evolution. Power Level: 550G. His Ultimate Ability
Card is Ultimate Dragonoid. His Fusion Ability Card is Exceed.
- Infinity Dragonoid: Dragonoid's third and final evolution. It has the infinity core inside itself (Wyvern
gave it to Drago). Power Level: 1000G.
- Tigrerra/Tigress: A tiger-like Bakugan. Runo's Guardian Bakugan with a power level of 340G; they are also called
"Tig" by Runo. Was originally male but changed into a female for the English dub. Her Ultimate Ability Card is Crystal
- Blade Tigrerra: The evolved version of Tigrerra that stands on two legs with two arms and blades all over her.
Power Level: 450G. Like Tigres, Blade Tigres was originally male but changed into a female for the English dub. Her Ultimate
Ability Card is Velocity Fang.
- Preyas/Predator: A predator-like Bakugan. Able to change its attribute. Marucho's Guardian Bakugan with 340G. Many
thought since he can change attributes like a chameleon can change colour, that he is a chameleon. Aside from that, Preyas
is also a wisecracking comedian. His Ultimate Ability Card is Blue Stealth.
- Angelo/Diablo Preyas: The Evolved versions of Preyus. They both are Aquos and are in one bakugan ball. They both
are exact opposites. Angelo possesses attributes of Haos and is nice, respectful, and looks like an angel, while Diablo possesses
attributes of Pyrus and is mean, rude, and looks like a devil. They will most likely be made into the same Bakugan Marble
on opposite sides. Power Level: 400G (Both).
- Gorem/Golem: A Giant golem-like Bakugan. Julie's Guardian Bakugan with 380G. His Ultimate Ability Card is
Mega Impact.
- Hammer Gorem: The Evolved version of Gorem that is stronger, more armored, and more powerful. Power Level: 450G.
His Ultimate Ability Card is Grand Impact.
- Skyress/Phoenix: A phoenix-like Bakugan. Shun's Guardian Bakugan with Power Level: 360G. Her Ultimate Ability
Card is Green Nobility Violent Wind, which doubles her Power Level to 720G.
- Storm Skyress: The Evolved version of Skyress that has more GS and is bigger. Power Level: 450G. Her Ultimate
Ability Card is Destruction Meteor Storm.
- Hydranoid/Hydra: A hydra-like Bakugan. Masquerade/Alice's Guardian Bakugan with Power Level: 450G. He's
extremely violent and arrogant. He feeds off the power of the bakugan sent to the doom dimension allowing him to evolve. His
Ultimate Ability Card is Chaos of the Darkness, which increases Hydranoid's Power Level to 550G.
- Dual Hydranoid/Dual Hydra: The Evolved version of Hydranoid that has two heads and two tails. It has a giant razor
blade in its stomach area used to damage opponents near it. Power Level: 480G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Destruction
Impact. His Fusion Ability Card is Darkus Gazer Excedra.
- Ultimate Hydranoid/Alpha Hydra: Hydranoid's second evolution. It has three heads. Power Level: 550G. His
Ultimate Ability Card is Terminal Trident. His Fusion Ability Card is Final Demolition.
- Fortress: An Asura-like Bakugan. Each face changes with different abilities. Chan Lee's Guardian Bakugan. Power
Level: 370. His Ultimate Ability Card is Face of Rage.
- Tentaclear: A Bakugan with one eye and six tentacles. Julio's Guardian Bakugan; Unlike other Guardian Bakugan,
it never spoke English. Its Ability Card is Flare Blinder and its Ultimate Ability Card is Mega Flare
- Sirenoid: A mermaid Bakugan with a harp. Klaus's Guardian Bakugan. Her Ultimate Ability Card is Forcing
- Cycloid: A giant Cyclops Bakugan with a hammer in his right hand. Billy's Guardian Bakugan. Power Level: 370G.
His Ultimate Ability Card is right Gigantly.
- Harpus: A Harpy-like Bakugan. Komba's Guardian Bakugan. Her Ultimate Ability Card is Feather Blast.
- Reaper: A Bakugan with a skeleton body, horns, demon wings, and a reaper scythe. He willing followed Masquerade
and was shown to have no problems with killing other Bakugan, causing him to form a rivalry with Drago. Despite his loyalty
towards Masquerade he was replaced by Hydranoid in "Just For the Shun of it" when Masquerade sent him to the Doom Dimension.
- Juggernoid: A tortoise-like Bakugan. Christopher's Guardian Bakugan.
- Apollonir: The ultimate and legendary Pyrus Bakugan. He's the ultimate Dragonoid. The leader of all of the six
soldiers. Power Level: 500G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Maximum Pyrus, which increases his Power Level to
- Lars Lion: The legendary Haos Bakugan. Somewhat like an angel warrior. The most moral of all of the six
soldiers. Power level: 500G. Her Ultimate Ability Card is Sagitarius Arrow.
- Frosch: The legendary Aquos Bakugan. Somewhat like a giant frog. The wisest and the most tactical of all of the
six soldiers. Power Level: 500G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Aqua Cyclone.
- Clayf: The legendary Subterra Bakugan. Somewhat like a shakokidogu. The one with the best strength of all of the
six soldiers. Power Level: 500G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Atomic Brave.
- Oberus: The legendary Ventus Bakugan. Somewhat like a giant moth/butterfly. The most compassionate of the six soldiers.
Power level: 500G. Her Ultimate Ability Card is Turmoil.
- Excedra: The legendary Darkus Bakugan. Somewhat like a eight headed snake with a single eye in its belly.The most
powerful of all of the six soldiers. Power level: 500G. His Ultimate Ability Card is Final Wizard.
- Wavern/Wyvern: The Infinity Bakugan, as she contains the Infinity Core. Joe's Guardian Bakugan. Naga's good twin
sister. While she is the complete opposite of Naga, during battle, she is considered Haos. She has a crush on Dan's Dragonoid.
Power level: 550G. Her Ultimate Ability Card is Shining Pyrus.
- Naga: Wyvern's evil twin brother. He has the Silent Core and only craves power. The complete opposite of Wavern.
He is a bone dragon. His attribute is Silent or Darkus. Power level: 1000G.
- Beestriker: A bee-like Bakugan with a deadly stinger.
- Centipoid: A centipede-like Bakugan with huge pincers.
- El Condor: A Bakugan that looks like a Totem Pole Shaman with the amazing ability to fly.
- Falconeer: A humanoid falcon.
- Fear Ripper: A Bakugan with sharp claws used for slicing and chopping. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Zero
- Gargonoid/Gargoyle: A Gargoyle like Bakugan.
- Griffon: A lion-like Bakugan with wings and a snake like tail. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Wing Burst.
- Hynoid/Werewolf: A wolf-like Bakugan. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Desert Thunder.
- Laserman: A robotic Bakugan with lasers on its shoulders.
- Limulus: A stingray-like Bakugan with spikes on its back.
- Manion: A sphinx-like Bakugan.
- Mantris: An mantis-like Bakugan with really sharp claws. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Twin Machete.
- Monarus: A humanoid butterfly-like Bakugan.
- Ratteloid: A Bakugan that looks like Serpenoid, except with an armored head and a rattle on its tail. Its Ultimate
Ability Card is Poison Fang.
- Ravenoid: A raven-like Bakugan with full body armor.
- Robotallion: A robot-looking Bakugan with holes on its chest used to shoot lasers. Its Ultimate Ability Card
is Robotallion Enforcement.
- Saurus: A triceratops-like Bakugan that stands on two legs. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Saurus Glow.
- Serpenoid: A snake-like Bakugan with deadly fangs.
- Siege: A Bakugan that looks like a knight with a long spear and armor. The different attribute Sieges each use
a different weapon (Aquos used a javelin, Pryus a sword, Haos a staff, Darkus a lance).
- Stinglash/Scorpion: A scorpion-like Bakugan with a stinger. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Leaf Sting.
- Terrorclaw: A crab-like Bakugan.
- Tuskor: A elephant-like Bakugan. Its Ultimate Ability Card is Nose Slap.
- Warrius: A warrior Bakugan with a mace.
- Wormquake: A large worm with a huge, gaping mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.