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The Robotallian serves and protects it’s allies. Fierce claws and gigantic blades located within their bodies are capable of slicing cleanly through any substance. They move at high speeds and are extremely difficult to view with the human eye. The Robotallian places great value on their sense of duty and protection, and will let nothing get in the way of fufilling those responsibilities.



The Serpenoid squeezes the life out of its enemies. This Bakugan’s attack is extremely fast but the suffering it inflicts is slow and methodical. Their power grows as the life of their enemies is slowly sucked away, leaving them with nothing. The Serpenoid slithers low to the ground but is quick to rise up and Battle other Bakugans.



The Dragonoid is designed to seek and destroy. Equipped with high intelligence, they are limited in Battle mobility but compensate for through powerful strikes. Dragonoids will also fire high-speed oscillating, electromagnetic waves from their venomous mouths, annihilating anyone who gets in their way.



The Falconeer targets its prey from high above. This Bakugan is a bird beast with extreme clairvoyance that is capable of seeing through things regardless of distance and coverage. Most importantly, this special Bakugan can resurrect itself and right any wrongs it may have experienced. Defeating it once is simply not enough.

Fear Ripper


The Fear Ripper is swift and deadly with its giant blades, performing their dirty work undercover. They are chameleons, capable of changing into fire, earth, light, water or wind. A complicated Bakugan that never reveals its true identity, the Fear Ripper Class are oddly shy, however, still charming and funny.



The Juggernoid possesses the most natural destructive force of any Bakugan. Inflicting even the smallest amount of damage to these heavily armoured, walking fortresses has proven to be a task most difficult for any Brawler. Their armor has no visible weaknesses to exploit during Battle, and the force with which they hammer opponents sends shockwaves throughout the Bakugan Universe.



The Reaper is no stranger to vengeance. In fact, they take great pride in unleashing a powerful fury on their helpless targets. Filled deep inside with a type of rage unlike any experienced on earth, Reapers will methodically plan their revenge. When an opportune time arises, they will deliver striking blow after striking blow until nothing is left except for a wicked sense of satisfaction.



The Saurus are tough, hardcore Brawlers. Dismissing strategy and camouflage as excess baggage in Battle, they attack their opponents head on and leave little to the imagination. Nothing makes the Saurus happier then to see their victims actually believe they stood a chance prior to the Brawl. It is only after all hope has been erased with a hammer of pain that the Saurus is satisfied to continue on their way.